
Your voice makes a big impact on the work we do as your SU to transform and improve your overall student experience. Here you'll find a collection of just some of the things we've been doing together to create meaningful change.
Your voice makes a big impact on the work we do as your SU to transform and improve your overall student experience. Here you'll find a collection of just some of the things we've been doing together to create meaningful change.

Research & Insights

Research & insights are at the heart of what we do. From understanding more about your motivations and priorities to shaping our events programme, we want to know more about you and your experiences!

Here you'll find a selection of our reports and open research opportunities, as well as the impact this work has had on the University community!

Open Research

There are lots of opportunities for you to get involved in our research & make your voice heard! Check back soon for more opportunities.


Here you'll find a selection of reports we've worked on from gathering your insight!


Throughout the academic year, the Officers attend the Student Experience Partnership Group with members of the universities and FX Plus to discuss key issues impacting the student experience. In January 2025, they focused on housing. The following report outlines the research we undertook to support the Officers' disscussion.

Getting Started Survey

At the beginning of the 2024/25 academic year, we undertook a research project to understand more about your motivations, priorities and what matters most to you during your time at university! From events you'd like to attend right through to where you'd like to access support, we looked at it all.


Each year, we compile the work we've done across the year into an impact report.

Impact Report 2023/24

Impact Report 2024

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045