Campus Community Wellbeing

We all play a part in keeping our community safe, whether you find yourself on campus or out and about in town. From events that help with wellbeing to other resources, explore essential information to help protect yourself and others.
Students walking down Falmouth Town High Street on a sunny day. Some are wearing backpacks, and others are carrying bags as they explore the area decorated with vibrant bunting overhead.

Wellbeing Events

We all play a part in keeping our community safe, whether you find yourself on campus or out and about in town. From FREE training sessions to animal therapy and more wellbeing events, discover them down below: 

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union Free Soup Friday
28th March 1pm - 3pm
The Students' Union, Penryn
Free Soup and Good Vibes
Penryn Campus | Wellbeing | Exeter students | Falmouth students
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Campus Resources

Support and Wellbeing

The Student Support Team can help guide you to the best solution if you or a friend needs help. They also provide a range of wellbeing resources that you can explore including self-help apps with some fantastic podcasts, workshops, evening group meetings to discuss a range of mental health topics and drop-in appointments.

Support and Wellbeing (Student Support Team)

Multifaith Chaplaincy

Becky Nesbitt is your Multifaith Chaplain and, together with a team of volunteers, the chaplaincy is available to serve the pastoral and spiritual needs of students and staff at both Falmouth and Penryn campuses. To make an appointment call 01326 370460 or email

Multifaith Chaplaincy

Speak Out

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union is an inclusive community, where everyone has the right to be treated with respect. If you have been affected by harassment, bullying, intimidation or discrimination we are here for you, speak out.

Speak Out

Student Services

Student Services provide a range of support, information and specialist services, and are here to support you throughout your studies. A good starting point if you don’t know which service you need, is The Compass – student information desk, who can advise and signpost you to the right service.

Student Service

Online Safety and Skills

Check out these helpful links and resources from the Study Hub such as keeping your online identity safe, copyright information and web searching safely. There is also a comprehensive list of external links, books and tools for digital literacy and IT skills.

Technology and Digital Skills

Community Resources

24-Hour Safety Advice

Check out this link from Cornwall Council to direct you to information you may need to consider in your fire risk assessment, and advice that may help you improve fire safety in your premises.

Fire Safety Advice

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Cornwall Housing has a specialist team which investigates reports of anti-social behaviour and aims to resolve any issues by working alongside the local community and local agencies such as Devon and Cornwall Police. You can email the team directly on

Community Safety Team

Community safety is all about the issues that make people unsafe, or feel unsafe, in their communities. Achieving safer communities depends on everyone working together to find local solutions to local problems. Find out more on their webpage or email the team directly on

Community Safety

Falmouth Town Council

Do you live in Falmouth? Check out the Falmouth Town Council website to find staff contact details, minutes and agendas, who the mayor is, and links to key resources.

Falmouth Town Council

Penryn Town Council

Do you live in Penryn? Check out the Penryn Town council website to find staff contact details, minutes and agendas, who the mayor is, and links to key resources.

Penryn Town Council

Keeping Safe

Cornwall Fire, Rescue and Community Safety (CFRCS) Service is responsible for a wide range of services that make Cornwall safer. Check out their helpful links about key information in areas such as fire, water and road safety.

Keeping Safe

The Community and Environment

Cornwall Council have a duty to community and environmental protection. Should you need to contact Cornwall Council to raise a concern or complaint about noise nuisance or waste issues you can contact them directly on

Police Response

Not sure who to contact? Ask NED! NED (Non-Emergency Directory) is a service that combines the questions that members of the public have asked with contact details of those that can help.

Contact Devon & Cornwall Police

24-Hour Fire Safety Advice

Check out this link from Cornwall Council to direct you to information you may need to consider in your fire risk assessment, and advice that may help you improve fire safety in your premises.

Cornwall Fire & Rescue Service

Noise Nuisance and Waste

Cornwall Council have a duty to community and environmental protection. Should you need to contact Cornwall Council to raise a concern or complaint about noise nuisance or waste issues you can contact them directly on

On Your Side Helpline

On Your Side Helpline is a UK-wide service for East and Southeast Asian communities who experience racism or other forms of hate.

On Your Side Helpline

Chinese Lantern Project Helpline

The Chinese Lantern Project is a helpline by the Chinese Community Wellbeing Society and offers a free telephone helpline service to the Chinese community in the South West region. The aim of this helpline is to identify isolated and hidden members of the community and empower them to better integrate into the wider society and to offer support and referrals through listening attentively with understanding and empathy.

Chinese Lantern Project Helpline

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union logo

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045