By signing up to be an Academic Representative, or by nominating yourself in The SU Department Rep or Subject Chair elections, you agree to abide by the following Rep Code of Conduct.
Attendance at the relevant Rep Training is compulsory for all Reps. Completing training allows Reps to carry out their roles effectively and build networks across departments. The only exception to mandatory attendance is for those who have been appointed and trained in a similar role at The SU in previous years with the agreement of the SU Academic Representation team. Reps have the opportunity to engage with additional training opportunities over the course of the academic year.
Meeting Attendance
All reps will be expected to attend the meetings outlined in their relevant role descriptor. Where attendance is not possible, Reps should communicate their apologies to the Chair and / or secretary of the meeting. It is expected that Reps who are unable to attend a meeting will send a feedback report/comments detailing any issues to be discussed to the meeting secretary or another Representative.
Failure to attend (without providing apologies) the relevant rep meetings, as outlined above, alongside a lack of engagement with collecting and sharing feedback with staff and fellow reps may result in a Rep being placed under evaluation. Disengaged Reps will be contacted by the Academic Representation team at The SU to notify them that they are under evaluation and the process they will need to follow to ensure they are not removed from the role.
Feedback Collection
The collection of feedback from the students you represent is the cornerstone of successful representation. All reps are expected to communicate consistently and effectively with their students, with the objective of gathering a representative view of opinions and concerns on all matters relating to the student experience. To ensure that this is the case, any presented feedback should adhere to the ABCDE rule, and be Accurate, Balanced, Constructive, De-personalised and Evidenced. Reps should ensure they pass on information/raise issues in a timely manner. If you do not feel that a Rep is effectively representing their cohort, please contact the Academic Representation team.
Behaviour and Attitude
Reps must act respectfully and with professionalism at all times, including at any meetings they attend, throughout the undertaking of their roles. This includes verbal and written communication. Reps are expected to abide by Students’ Union by-laws and policies and /or University regulations as appropriate.
Bullying and harassment of any kind are unacceptable, and any allegations of bullying or harassment by a Rep are grounds for a complaint to the Students’ Union, as per the SU Complaints Process.
If you have concerns about the conduct of another Rep that do not constitute as bullying or harassment, such as concerns for a Rep’s wellbeing, then please contact the Academic Representation team and we will work to informally resolve the matter.
Sensitive Information
Collected information which is of a sensitive nature, whether pertaining to a student or member of staff, should be treated as confidential, and anonymity should be retained for all parties concerned when appropriate.
Personal data may be shared with Reps with a view to providing information necessary for effective undertaking of Reps’ core responsibilities. This information should be used exclusively for reps to carry out these responsibilities, and must not be used for any other purpose, or shared externally. Any breach of Data Protection laws could result in substantial fines, and additional consequences for the Students’ Union and University.
As part of a legitimate interest to facilitate representation and communication, the names and contact details of Reps are shared with the students they represent via the Find My Rep tool. By signing up to be a Rep, students consent to their name being displayed on the SU website and university email being shared with other students via the Find My Rep tool.