Sabbatical Elections

The SU Sabbatical Elections are held annually, giving students the opportunity to elect their new Presidents. The Sabbaticals lead SU activity and represent students’ views and opinions for the coming academic year.
Graphic for Sabbatical Elections 2025.

Sabbatical Elections 2025

Sabbatical Officers (Presidents and Vice Presidents) are elected by students to lead the Students' Union. We use a Single Transferable Vote (STV) system, which means voters can rank candidates. This is one of the more proportional systems to make sure your representatives represent you.

Voting is open from 12pm Monday 24 February to 12pm Thursday 27 February.

The sabbatical officer elections are a key part of union democracy and the votes of students directing what the Students' Union works on in the next academic year.

Voting prizes

To make voting even more exciting we're running voting booths across our campuses, offering cashs prizes to the sports clubs, societies and departments with the highest percentage of voters, and have a voter prize draw. It's our biggest package of prizes ever! All voters are entered into a prize draw for one of the following:

  • Nintendo Switch Lite
  • 3 month gym membership to the Campus Sports Centre
  • 1 month gym membership to the Campus Sports Centre
  • £50 voucher to the art shop at Falmouth Campus

Meet the Candidates

When it comes to voting, it is important that you vote for someone who represents you and aligns with your values. You can find out more about the candidates below!

Elections Voting Booklet by The SU

No elections are currently running


Voting stats

These statistics are updated live throughout the voting period. Keep an eye on how your university, course, sports club, and society is voting!


Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union logo

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045