University Mental Health Day

Find out more about how your university and your SU can help support your mental health and wellbeing.
University Mental Health Day logo

This campaign has now finished. If you would like to work on this campaign, please get in touch with The SU.

We want to take this opportunity to remind you about the support you have available to you as a student, as well as recommend some wellbeing activities you could partake in.

What's on

The University of Exeter is hosting some great events to combat loneliness and cope with panic attacks, plus we have our usual free weekly yoga sessions as part of our ongoing Together Wherever campaign.

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union Mind Over Natter: Vitamin Sea
3rd March
Mind Over Natter – Improve your wellbeing with a dose of vitamin sea.
Online | Wellbeing
Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union The Body Trap
3rd March
As part of University Mental Health Week, the UoE Wellbeing Team will discuss common body image difficulties and barriers to self-acceptance.
Online | Wellbeing | Exeter students
Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union Overcoming Panic Attacks
4th March
This webinar aims to give you more information about panic attacks so you can better understand what is happening to your body. It provides a number of techniques to help you overcome panic attacks based on the cognitive behavioural therapy approach.
Online | Wellbeing | Exeter students
Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union How to Deal with Loneliness
4th-5th March
Understanding loneliness, its causes and how it influences our behaviours, can help us think about what can be done about it. Please join us for this webinar to understand how loneliness impacts on you and what you can do to re-connect.
Online | Wellbeing | Exeter students
Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union Together Wherever Yoga
5th March
Zoooom zoom
Online | Wellbeing | Postgraduates | Exeter students | Falmouth students


In our last all-student survey we asked you about your welfare struggles. You told us that you were experiencing stress and anxiety, worried about workload, feeling isolated, struggling with loneliness, and needed help with budgeting and finding part-time work. We used this feedback to create a directory of resources to support you going forwards.

Mental health and wellbeing

Our Welfare Database has a fantastic range of resources to support you, including info on how to book an appointment with the Student Support Services team, links to online services, relaxation techniques, how to get organised, coping with exam stress, and more.

We also highly recommend downloading the UniWellbeing app, which features tools to help you build healthy habits, a built-in mood tracker, podcasts, and challenges to get stuck into.


This year has been particularly hard for students financially and the Hardship Fund is available to support you with a whole range of needs, including rent, travel, and equipment.

Our Advice Team can also help you with budgeting. Check out their finance page for more info and book an appointment for a time that's convenient for you.

Academic skills

The StudyHub is worth bookmarking ahead of your next deadline. Packed with advice on everything from digital skills and accessibility to language and time management, they're here to help. One of our favourite resources is the Assignment Calculator, which takes your deadline date and breaks down your tasks into manageable chunks.


Quite a lot of you noted that you're worried about your career prospects, life after uni, and finding part-time work while you're studying. Remember, both Falmouth and Exeter universities have incredible careers and employability teams who are here for you all year round. They regularly host events to help you develop your skills, look for work, and have newsletters to subscribe to so you know what's available. Make sure you're signed up and reach out for additional support if you need it.

Together Wherever

It’s been a rollercoaster ride this year, with lots of challenges thrown your way. We know that your daily lives have changed and we want to reach out and let you know that we are here for you. We're in this together - Together, Wherever.

Our Together Wherever campaign ensures that you have someone to chat to when you're feeling down, online events to engage with fellow students, plus links to advice, activities, and more.


Please keep talking to us about how you're feeling and what we can do to better support you. You can log feedback on any aspect of your student experience via ROS (the Rep Online System - now available to all students), talk to your Rep, book an advice appointment, or drop us an email. We've got your back.

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045