This campaign has finished. If you would like to run this campaign again or start something similar, please get in touch with The SU.
Official statement
Due to the new Lockdown, you told the Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union that you were concerned about paying rent – either because you’re not currently using the room, paying rent in two separate places or the financial burden was massively affecting your wellbeing and ability to produce high quality work.
Your voice made a huge impact. Thanks to your growing momentum by speaking to the Presidents, Part-Time-Officers and by signing the Make A Change tab, both Universities have listened.
The situation is still unfolding as the President team continues to meet with FX Plus, Falmouth University and University of Exeter to voice your concerns.
All the best,
Charlotte Agnew (SU President Welfare & Inclusivity)
Amelia Banton (SU President Experience)
Cara Chittenden (SU President Exeter)
Lizzy Marshall (SU President Falmouth)
University of Exeter Cornwall update
Last updated 7 January 2020
If you are an Exeter student, for those who are living in University or FX Plus accommodation, or whose contracts were arranged through the University with a nominated partner, Exeter University will waive the rent charges that would be payable during this lockdown period, for those who do not return to their accommodation.
This arrangement will cover the period of the national lockdown during which many of you have been asked by Government not to return to your term time accommodation. This began on 4 January and is currently expected to stay in place until mid-February.
Falmouth University update
Last updated 4 February 2020
Your Falmouth SU Presidents, Lizzy, Amelia, and Charlotte, have written a statement alongside Accommodation Officer, Sophie James, regarding the current situation for Falmouth students.
We understand the frustration towards the decision taken by Falmouth University to not extend rent rebates beyond the initial seven weeks. However, we also understand that it has been taken in the wider context of ensuring that Falmouth can benefit the greatest number of students by extending the opening of facilities beyond the end of the academic year. As a Charity whose fundamental purpose is the advancement of education, the huge financial impact of the pandemic has led to Falmouth not being able to financially achieve both outcomes. As a Students’ Union, we have to support decisions which positively impact the greatest number of our members.
Following a conversation in January with the Vice Chancellor, we have been working with the University to publish a summary of Covid-19 spending. We met with their Head of Finance and Chief Operating Officer yesterday to progress this, as we believe you are owed transparency regarding where money is being spent in this extraordinary year. This will be made available online in the next week.
We understand that you are naturally drawing comparisons to Exeter students, however, the two institutions have such different financial situations which has allowed the University of Exeter to extend their rent rebate. We want what is best for all of our students, however, this is a unique situation where the size and financial situation of the universities are extremely different. Consequently, what they are able to offer their students cannot be the same.
We are aware of students looking to set up rent strikes, and that a significant number are now planning to travel once payment restarts. If you do decide to travel against Government guidance, please do ensure that you are tested on your arrival in Cornwall. You will not be asked your reasons for travelling, but it is imperative that you are tested to ensure that the potential for infection is minimised.
Please do continue to apply to the Hardship Fund if you are struggling to pay your rent, either in private or university accommodation. If you need any assistance with your application, please contact
We would encourage you to direct your thoughts on government support for student rent contracts to your MPs, both here in Cornwall and in your home constituency.
If you wish to contact your local MP here are their details:
Not sure which constituency you're in? Click here to search.
Amelia Banton (SU President Experience)
Lizzy Marshall (SU President Falmouth)
Charlotte Agnew (SU President Welfare & Inclusivity)
Sophie James (SU Accomodation Officer)
7 January 2020
If you are a Falmouth student, the University has decided not to charge rent to students contracted to University Owned and Managed Accommodation (UOMA) but not currently able to occupy their room, for the period 4 January until 21 February (7 weeks).
UOMAs include: Glasney, Packsaddle, Tuke, Sidings, Quarry, Ocean View and Maritime.
However, we strongly believe that these changes should also apply to students outside of UOMAs, such as for those in private accommodation in the local area. Therefore, with the aid of the SU’s Advice Service, we have written a template letter for you to use when addressing this situation to your private landlord. Moreover, The SU Presidents have also written a letter to the local MP, which also asks for supporting local landlords in order to support their tenants for the ongoing rent campaign.
Letter to George Eustice Letter to Cherilyn MackroyTemplate letter for landlords
Here you will find copies of letter templates as well as signposting to other ways to submit feedback and seek support.
Template letter for landlordsUp-vote on Make a Change
Book an Advice Appointment