This campaign has finished. If you would like to run this campaign again or start something similar, please get in touch with The SU.
What is NUS and how does it relate to you?
They represent 95% of the student population, which is more than seven million student voices. NUS divides its work into five policy zones, each run by a Vice President. Each zone leads research and discussion on issues important to students and delivers campaigns relevant to that area:
- Further Education
- Higher Education
- Society & Citizenship
- Union Development
- Welfare
In addition to policy zones, there are four liberation campaigns that exist autonomously within NUS. Being autonomous means each liberation campaign hosts their own annual conference and determines their own policy.
How NUS Works with The SU
NUS offers training and development opportunities for student members, as well as conferences to direct the work of its staff and elected reps.
Representing you nationally at NUS
NUS National Conference
Each year, The SU sends delegates to the NUS National Conference, which takes place in the Easter break. It is at the National Conference that NUS policy is debated, reviewed, and voted upon by students from all over the county, which informs the work of NUS for the following year. The NUS National President & Vice Presidents are also voted in, along with the National Executive Committee (NEC) who support them.
How to apply:
If you are interested in representing Falmouth and Exeter students at the NUS National Conference, please express your interest by emailing in the first instance, outlining why you would be a good choice of delegate to represent students on behalf of The SU.
Other NUS conferences and programmes
There are lots of other NUS conferences, programmes and projects that run throughout the year.
Find out more
If you are interested in attending any of these, get in touch with the Student Voice Team (top tip - giving us as much notice as possible is super helpful!)