Black and white apostrophes on top of a yellow background


Our Exeter and Falmouth ACS, like most others around the country, aims to create a strong community between students of African and Caribbean heritage, and include students from different backgrounds who want to celebrate with us, and support us.

bhmBlack History MonthWelcome

We are truly open to everyone, not just those who feel represented by this community, but those who want to educate themselves and show allyship towards their Black peers. As well as representing those of different racial backgrounds, who also share these cultures and traditions within their heritage. We hope to enrich everyone’s university experience, from activities including sports, parties, non-alcoholic socials, quiet study spaces, and educational sessions. Collaborating with other culture based societies, activity based societies, and local establishments in order to make this experience one of a kind.

Especially at campuses like ours, ACS gives its members a chance to enter spaces and see people who look like themselves, and share culture that might almost feel a bit lost during their studies, through food, discussion, media etc. Like most students, leaving home and coming to university can be a difficult experience, and a society like this can make that transition easier and give members a place to feel safe, understood, as well as give them a community to relate to. Although some members may be from different locations in the UK, international students from different places around the world, of African or Caribbean heritage, or from different financial backgrounds, this sense of community allows for deeper discussion to be had, how our experiences can be so universal yet so different depending on factors like these. It gives us a space to listen and grow, to support each other and share positive news or opportunities.

Going to university is such an achievement in itself, and everyone has a different story to how they got there. To follow a creative path at Falmouth University, or to follow an academic path at the University of Exeter is something all of our members should be immensely proud of, and we hope to give some support and backing to make sure everyone can get to their graduation day. Although we definitely do not have all of the answers, we hope to encourage people to work hard during their studies, to have a work life balance, to point them in the direction of any support that may be beneficial for them.

The Vice President, Lordina Yiadom, and myself as President, Emily Farquharson, have been working since March 2023 with goals of building on the foundations of this society, and adding structure so that it can continue on after our committee with ease, and allow future committees to have the time to focus on more ambitious goals for the society and it’s members. To create more of a connection between students of both universities, and give the students who attend Falmouth more opportunities to put towards their portfolios. Our committee members have put in so much time and effort towards these goals also, and their support and hard work has already began to pay off! Here are some words from the rest of the committee on what ACS represents to them and/ or why they wanted to support ACS’s growth this academic year:

Lordina Yiadom – Vice President 23/24: “Supporting the growth and initiatives for me was very important to foster a cultural connection, establish a sense of belonging and empower individuals. It also meant creating a safe environment for sharing our diverse cultures. ACS to me is more than just a society, it’s FAMILY.”

Phumelela Mazibuko – Secretary 23/24: “Being far away from home isn’t easy, and so being apart of a community which I relate to, despite borders, is the reason I joined ACS.”

Celine Webster - Public Relations Officer 23/24: “I joined the ACS committee as an international student to connect with others in the same situation as me, and to make sure there was complete representation and consideration in the student experience.”

Olutoni Alaran – Finance and Media Manager 23/24: “I joined this committee because I felt how much of a difference ACS made for me in my first year, and I wanted to give the new first years joining us this academic year to have the same experience.”

Seyi Ogunbiyi – Community Engagement Officer 23/24: “To me, ACS represents the act of bringing people from diverse backgrounds together, allowing for different personalities to form strong and long lasting relationships.”

Cj McLeod - Graphic Designer 23/24: “To me, ACS represents community.”

Anjolaoluwa Sosanya – Welfare Officer 23/24: “ACS to me is a home away from home, it is a space for everyone to reach out and find comfort in.”

Ethan Shaw – Sports Secretary 23/24: “ACS has given me a family, and allows for an open forum of thought.”


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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045