Black and white apostrophes on top of a yellow background

Rolling Forward: The Wheelchair Campaign – an update From Fina Day VP

Over 10 months on from the original video with Reece, Sam, Auriel and Orestis, we have seen significant investment from FX Plus and the universities to improve physical accessibility on our campuses.

Presidents blogrolling forward

We would like to thank our campus community for getting behind our students and supporting their voices and needs for this all-too-important topic. Work on this project has led to many conversations that have changed how staff consider the student experience, shining a light on the importance of student voice and student representation for making change happen.

Many members of staff have been involved in developing wheelchair accessibility on our campuses, working in collaboration with The SU to make sure work is informed by the lived experiences of students.

The most important aspect of this work is that it is ongoing and needs continuous feedback and input from students to develop in ways that you need. We as Sabbatical officers are here to listen to you and work with you to share your ideas and issues so please reach out to us or come to The SU for a conversation.

Watch the video that started this work!

Read the process of the Rolling Forward Campaign to understand how we got to where we are now.

On Campus developments so far

Salto card access for doors

Access scanners have been repositioned so that everyone can reach to scan their ID card for entry to buildings.

Replacement of some swing doors to sliding doors

A number of swing doors have been replaced with sliding doors and the long-term plan is to replace all swing doors with sliding doors when they are ready to be replaced. Sliding doors are more reliable and improve user experience, meaning there should be reduced disruption to accessible routes.

Reconfiguration of the Penryn campus shop

The shelving in the campus shop has been moved around to allow for wider aisles, sliding doors have also been added to the shop, replacing a swing door.

Refurbishment of the SOFT lift

Over £64000 has been invested in refurbishing and modernising the School of Film and Television lift.

Height adjustable desks

Eight height adjustable desks have been installed in various locations at Penryn Campus.

And more to come!

We would like to thank the universities and FX Plus for the progress so far on some of the recommendations following the rolling forward campaign. We're aware that there is more work to be done and as the students' union we will continue to ask for those recommendations to be fulfilled, updating you on the progress made for you the students, and continue the positive working relationships that this project has fostered to work towards making your student experience as physically accessible as possible.

Stay tuned for more updates as they happen and if you want to know more, reach out to your sabbatical officers!

If you want to understand how this work came about and what your students' union did with you, look at the Rolling Forward Campaign page.


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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045