Hello, all! My first official update as SU President Exeter may be slightly shorter than my fellow presidents.
When the SU asked me to start the role on 20th June, I had to tell them I couldn't possibly begin that week because I was getting married! Of course, they were wonderfully understanding, and I started just the week after. Still, my time with Stevie Preece, my predecessor, was cut relatively short!
Luckily for me, we are very alike in what I want to achieve this year, and we clicked right away, completing our whistle-stop tour of the role in about 2 days. I definitely feel like I'm still learning as I commence my first week without Stevie to hold my hand, but I'm a firm believer that if you don't learn something new every day, you're doing something wrong.
The team at the SU has been amazingly welcoming. It's been great learning about the SU and meeting the team I will work with this year. I've also learnt the names and faces of the key contacts I will be leaning on to help turn my ideas into a reality.
In my first week in the role, I have attended some senior meetings, fun photoshoots, and essential training days to better get to know the team. I will be spending some time at the Streatham Campus for some important meetings and to network with key colleagues from the guild and leaders of the university's strategy.
Although these past few weeks have been overwhelming and mentally draining, I am excited to dive right in and start making fundamental changes. The support of so many of you who voted me into the role in March is unbelievably encouraging and equally intimidating. I want to make you all proud to be a student here at the University of Exeter, Cornwall. I won't waste this opportunity to make the change you want to see.
Here's to the rest of the year. Cheers!"
- Georgi Griskeviciene (President Exeter 2022/23)