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October Update from Connie

Over the summer, even though campus was quiet and there were lots of students away from Cornwall, I spent a lot of my time squirrelling away, getting tasks done that I'd popped on the to do list earlier in the year. It was a valuable time to get my head down, and get those tasks done! Alongside that, I had some really exciting opportunities and trainings, which I'll speak more about here!

PresidentsPresidents blog

Over the summer, I've continued working in collaboration with students and staff members of the University of Exeter on the issues that brought about the encampment on Penryn and Streatham campus. I've continued to advocate for the rights of students to protest, and hold their university to account, and try to find more meaningful ways in which students can engage with the SU and the University. As a result of the student encampments, the University set up two working groups, one on Rebuilding Palestinian Higher Education, and the other on Investments and Treasury. Alongside myself and Alex (Guild President), there are student representatives on the working groups.
For me, I've found this work really exciting, especially the Investments and Treasury group, as its something I've been campaigning for and on for a while with Divest Borders; seeing the level of student engagement in this space has been heartwarming, and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of it in the Spring. 
I've also been doing lots of training and networking with sabbatical officers around the country. We have acute issues here in Cornwall, but the main issues which students are facing here, are mirrored all across the UK. Student poverty continues to dramatically impact the student experience on a national level, we have a broken university funding system, and a loans structure that benefits very few. We can see this playing out here in Cornwall, so I've continued to advocate for those issues in all my meetings with the University and the Council.
We've set up a food pantry on Falmouth campus, and are exploring setting one up in Truro, alongside this, we are continuing with Free Soup Fridays, and want to expand this and have a breakfast club - let me know what you think!
We also understand the exacerbation of the housing crisis, and the unfair treatment of international students in the housing market. I've been speaking to local MP's and organisations about this issue, and Fina and I are heading up to Parliament in a few weeks time to lobby MP's to sign onto the 'no more guarantors' work that NUS is doing on the Renters Rights Bill. If you have any personal experiences you wanted to share on this, send me an email! 
We had a brilliant Welcome Week, thanks to the amazing SU team for making sure everything was running smoothly. I had a great time going to all the inductions for undergrad, PGT, and PGR students! I'm really looking forward to being more involved with you in the future, and making sure that student voice is at the heart of the work we do here at the SU.  
With the start of term came lots of academic governance, this means lots of meetings in Exeter and lots of trains! I chaired the Student Experience Partnership Board, setting out our priorities of the year, NSS feedback, student voice in Partnership Principles, and how we can best work together this year for great student voice and experience. I also attended the Education Student Experience Executive Committee, where we got into the details of TEF (teaching excellence framework) and the International Student Experience Strategy. The recommendations and actions coming out of this strategy have a real focus on Cornwall, so I'm excited to see how this can improve the student experience for all our international students. 
I'm continuing to work on my manifesto, creating focus groups for Curriculum for Change, engaging with wider stakeholders on issues affecting students, connecting students with campaign groups on and off campus, and a People's Assembly collaboration with the Council and local community. Keep your eyes on our social media, as that's where I'll send updates and oppurtunities to get involved!
As ever, I'm always here for a cuppa, and if you have any issues to flag, feel free to get in contact through email or our @supresidents Instagram

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045