Read the latest update on the work Fina has been doing over the last couple of months.
Exeter UMHC student submission
After a few long months of collecting data and talking to students about the university of Exeter’s approach to student wellbeing, Alex (Guild president) and I have finally completed the student submission for the university mental health charter.
In this we highlighted the positive influence the green spaces on Penryn campus have on students’ mental health. We also showed our appreciation for the work the university has put into the transition into university for disadvantaged groups such as care leavers, and neurodiverse students.
We also highlight the areas the university needs to significantly improve such as assessments and feedback, and the physical accessibility of our campuses.
SHAG week
I have been busy at work coordinating and booking activities for SHAG week (beginning Feb 17th). I currently have planned sessions with yoga, pole, and life drawing societies throughout the week for students to participate in; as well as talks about healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, and sex toys and kink that student can attend. There will also be pop-up stalls during the week on both campuses with freebies and resources for students.
As part of SHAG week, I am running an exhibition at Fish Factory in Penryn. I have been busy at work promoting this, looking through submissions, and booking stuff for the opening night on Tuesday Feb 18th.
There will be a wide variety of art from students across many disciplines, and pole will be preforming at the opening night so it’s going to be tons of fun!
Sexual health pop-ups
In collaboration with the SU advocacy team, we have been running sexual health pop-ups where students have been able to get free STUI tests, sign up for condom cards, and get free condoms and advice. We have now had one on Falmouth and one on Penryn campus but keep your eyes out for more in future!
Gender neutral toilets
Following up from the Gender-neutral toilet proposal that was passed by students at Forum earlier in the year, FX Plus has done a full assessment of the provisioning on Penryn and Falmouth campus. They are now in the process of making a map for students which will show where all the gender-neutral toilets are so that students can find them easily. I am also in discussions with the universities about increasing the provisions and what that would look like.
Since the last forum me and Marketa along with other members of the SU team have completed a mediation training so that we can better facilitate conversations with students to resolve conflicts. This has been really beneficial in my work directly with students and how I communicate with you.
Accessibility research and comms
After chasing FX Plus for information on their physical improvement following the Rolling forward campaign I have finally put out an update to inform you on what has changed. We realize that there are still many improvements needed so will continue to advocate for FX Plus putting the physical accessibility of campus at the forefront of their minds.
First bus
After communicating with FX Plus we have managed to make sure that the termly student bus tickets are available for both Falmouth and Exeter students. Previously they were only available for Exeter. As a sabbatical team, we will continue to advocate for lower bus prices and the consideration of student issues when making any changes to the bus routes and prices.
As chair of the student experience partnership group, I led a deep dive with FX Plus and both universities into issues facing students around private accommodation and how they can better support your experience. There were productive conversations around how we promote private housing to students, how the new renters rights bill will affect student housing, and the issues around damp and mould in student housing.