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Asian Society - A Year of Growth

Image shows three students enjoying the Holi celebrations

Asian Society - A year of growth

As the academic year reaches a midpoint, it is often a time of reflection on all that has happened. In the last 2 years, Falmouth Exeter Asian Society has continued to grow not only in numbers but in ethos and presence on campus. 

Our main mission is to create a space where ALL Asians feel seen and represented. This year we have aimed to reach out to our East Asian community of friends by collaborating with Intercultural Café and International Society to host Chinese New Year which was a huge success! Learning more from a South Asian perspective about tradition it truly was eye opening! 

We’ve also continued our collaborations with other societies and organisations throughout the university and externally to host a plethora of events, enhancing the Asian student experience. Some of these include a continued relationship with FXPlus Food and Drink with The Stannary chefs catering delicious meals for all to enjoy.  

This year with cultural societies rising we have created a hub in collaboration with Middle Eastern North Africa soc, ACS and Hispanic – building a community for all UK and International students to celebrate their heritage! With the year not quite over we still have plans to continue this and build a foundation to diversify culture on campus – something vitally in need. Working with the SU and SU presidents has also been beneficial in supporting events on campus educating on the importance of representation.  

This year was the first ever Culture Festival on campus too which we were proudly part of! It was an afternoon of talking with students about what we do as well as a chance as us as a committee to educate ourselves on what our universities have to offer. We hope that this continues to grow and gain momentum integrating into student events and potentially involving the local community too! 

Having just celebrated Holi, it’s fair to say we have come a long way since being revitalised by Parvati in 2022. Being part of the last 3 Holi’s on campus it’s been incredible to see the growth of the society in terms of engagement but our network we have built to make Asian Society what it stands to be today. Working with the local community to support businesses such as Fives and independent artists is an exciting opportunity to bring home to those who may be celebrating away from home.  

In my time on the committee as Vice President of last year and taking the reigns of President this year it has been an honour to help the Asian community grow in Cornwall- bringing a piece of home here for all. Although it has proved hard work it has been equally rewarding to celebrate festivities such as Diwali and Holi to being named the chai maker for our regular catch up sessions! Being part of this small, yet mighty community in the South West has also been eye opening in terms of the opportunities I have been able to experience while on the committee. These include exposure across campuses in networking, partnerships externally and being able to provide culture on campus for ALL to enjoy.  

As my time draws to an end in terms of the committee and university, I am truly confident that the future of Asian Society is in good hands as it grows in momentum and recognition. It has been an incredible journey where I have made many lasting friendships, connections and gained many skills that will be with me for life!  


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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045