Housing Rights & Responsibilities

Students sat in a room in their halls



Landlord's Duties

Your Agent/Landlord is responsible for...

  • Ensuring the property is "fit for human habitation" from move-in day and throughout your stay. It must meet basic standards of repair and safety.
  • Keeping the structure and exterior in tip-top shape, including drains and pipes.
  • Ensuring essential utilities like water, gas, electricity, and heating are in working order.
  • Providing a rent book if required by law, especially for weekly rent payments.
  • Handing over their full name and address – no secrets here!
  • Supplying you with copies of the current Gas Safety Certificate and electricity report.
  • Letting you peacefully enjoy your home, except in emergencies.
  • Entering the property at reasonable times for repairs or checks, giving you at least 24 hours' notice in writing.
  • Equipping you with the "How to rent" guide – your trusty guide to tenancy. See the ‘How to Rent’ guide here.
  • Providing you with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for energy efficiency.
  • Ensuring any agents they employ are part of a complaints scheme, showcased proudly on their website.
  • Remembering: your tenancy agreement may assign repair responsibilities but the landlord can't dodge their legal duty to maintain the property to a liveable standard by law. Check out our Damp, Mould, and Disrepair Guide for more!

Tenant’s Duties

You are responsible for...

  • Acting "in a tenant-like manner," tackling small household chores like changing light bulbs and unblocking sinks.
  • Avoiding damage to the property; you and your guests are accountable for repairs.
  • Regularly checking smoke alarms and swapping in fresh batteries when needed.
  • Managing rubbish collection and ensuring bins are brought in promptly.
  • Securing the property when you're away – lock those doors and windows!
  • Being neighbourly – keep noise levels down, especially on weekends, party responsibly and inform neighbours of any parties.
  • Promptly reporting any needed repairs to your agent/landlord, preferably in writing.
  • Paying rent on time, every time.
  • Keeping a record of any issues that arise – it could come in handy later.


Harassment and Unlawful Eviction

If you're facing eviction or harassment, know your rights:

Remember, knowledge is power – arm yourself with information and stand up for your rights as a tenant!

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045