Complaints Procedure Guide - Exeter

This guide aims to provide you with a clear understanding of the complaints process and how the SU Advice Team can support you throughout the journey.
Students at Welcome 2022.
The information set out in our Complaints Page is general guidance for University of Exeter students. It should not be seen as a definitive statement of the University's Complaints policy and procedure. A copy of the University's Complaints policy and procedure is available here.

The Students’ Union Complaints Procedure guide (Exeter - Cornwall campuses)

Here at the SU, our goal is to ensure that you have the best possible student experience. Part of this includes making sure your voice is effectively heard and that any issues you encounter during your time at Exeter University are resolved or acknowledged. This guide aims to provide you with a clear understanding of the complaints process and how the SU Advice Team can support you throughout the journey.

What is a Complaint?

According to the OIA (Office of Independent Adjudicators), a complaint is defined as:

"An expression of dissatisfaction by one or more students about something a provider has done or not done, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of the provider."

Examples of issues that students may raise as complaints include but are not limited to:

  • The University failing to fulfil their obligations as outlined in course/student handbooks or a student charter.

  • Misleading or incorrect information in prospectuses, promotional material, or other information provided by the University.

  • Concerns regarding the delivery of a program, teaching, or administration, including cases where the delivery is carried out by a partner provider.

  • Inadequate quality of learning resources or facilities.

  • Unsatisfactory quality of services.

  • Events that significantly disrupt the normal delivery of a course, service, or other aspect of the student experience, such as industrial action or a public health emergency.

  • Complaints of bullying or harassment by a staff member.

  • Complaints about students will be referred to the Student Disciplinary Policy.

  • Concerns about policies or procedures related to financial support, immigration processes, or welfare support.

  • Concerns about services delivered by other organisations or contractors on behalf of the University that have impacted the student's learning experience.

How can the SU Advice Team help you?
The SU Advice Team is here to support you throughout the complaints process. We can help in the following ways:
  • Discuss and clarify
    We're available to talk about your complaint and help you understand the steps involved.

  • Provide knowledge and guidance
    We know the rules and procedures related to complaints. We can offer you valuable knowledge and guidance, helping you understand your rights and responsibilities within the process.

  • Review and suggest
    If you share your complaint drafts with us, we can provide suggestions to make them clearer and ensure all necessary information is included. Please make sure to submit your complaint drafts in good time so that we can provide you with the most effective support.

  • Personalised support
    While it is important that you write your complaint from your own unique perspective, we're here to provide support and guidance along the way. Our aim is to empower you with the necessary tools and resources, ensuring that your voice is heard effectively.

Remember, the SU Advice Team is committed to advocating for your rights and ensuring a fair complaints process. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance and support.

What is not a complaint….Other avenues to address concerns
A complaint from a student usually involves a direct impact on the person raising it. If you have a more general concern about the policies or actions of the university, there are other avenues to address those matters.
You can reach out to the Student Voice Team or the SU Presidents to discuss your concerns and they can convey them to the university's senior management teams on behalf of the student body if applicable.

How does the complaints process work?

There are three steps to making a complaint:

Step 1: Early Resolution

Try to resolve the issue informally by speaking directly to the people involved or seeking support from university staff. You can approach your personal tutor, Director of Education, Programme Director, or other Professional Services staff in the relevant area. If you don't feel comfortable with this, you can book a chat with the SU Advice Team here for guidance.

An informal resolution must be attempted before making a formal complaint. The university may not consider a formal complaint unless you have evidence of trying to resolve it informally.


It is crucial to address the problem as soon as it occurs and initiate the process promptly to allow sufficient time for resolving the issue informally. This will ensure that you still have the opportunity to submit a formal complaint within 30 calendar days of the incident that triggered the complaint.

QUICK TIP: Keep a written record of everything. It's best to use your university email account for communication. This way, you have a clear record of who you spoke to and when. If you talk to someone in person or on the phone, send them a follow-up email summarising what you discussed. These records can be useful evidence if you need to move to the next step.

It may also help to put your thoughts in writing to take to meetings and to take notes during meetings.

Step 2: Formal Complaint

If your issue remains unresolved or you're not satisfied with the response in Step 1, you can make a formal complaint. It's important to provide evidence of all the communication and steps you took in Step 1, so be sure to keep a record of everything.


You should be starting this stage within 10 working days of the conclusion of the informal stage.

The University typically doesn't review complaints filed more than 30 days after the incident. If you have a valid reason for the delay, you must provide a written explanation supported by verifiable evidence from a credible professional (e.g., a GP or registered expert).

When you make a complaint, this is how the process works:

TO NOTE: Evidence is crucial for investigating your complaint effectively. So, it's really important to provide as much evidence as possible.

For help writing the complaint itself, please see our ‘SU Guide to Writing an Effective Complaint’ and if you still need support please book an SU Advice appointment with us here.

- Complaints against Students: An investigating officer (IO) will be assigned to investigate complaints against students. Any accused party will be informed of the allegations and given an opportunity to respond.

- Complaints against Staff: Complaints involving staff will be reviewed by the HR Casework Manager. The staff member will have access to relevant documentation, but you will not receive a copy of the investigation report.

  • Acknowledgment:
    You will receive an acknowledgment within five working days, confirming the receipt of your complaint. The acknowledgment will hopefully provide you with the name of the person who will handle your case.
  • Investigation:
    Your complaint will be investigated thoroughly to gather all relevant facts. Meetings and evidence will be documented, and all parties involved should have access to the shared information.
  • Outcome:
    You will receive a written decision explaining the conclusion. If recommendations are made, you may be informed of their content and implementation plans.

The University aims to resolve formal complaints, within 30 calendar days of receiving them. If a complaint is complex it may take longer, but you should be informed of the reasons and expected timescales.

If you believe your complaint requires urgent resolution or has a specific deadline, please inform the Faculty Cases Team at as soon as possible and provide a detailed explanation for your request. Please note that the team will prioritise cases only if they believe there is a valid reason to do so. An example of a valid reason could be a student facing significant health issues.

Step 3. Review

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can request a review within 10 working days of receiving the Final Response Letter.

You will need to send copies of all relevant documentation with the Complaint Form - Request for Review which can also be found on the ‘Student Complaints Procedure’ webpage here to the University Student Cases Office at

When requesting a review of your complaint, there are certain grounds that can be considered:

(a) New information:If you have new and important information that wasn't available before but should be considered now.

(b) Procedural failure:If the university didn't follow its own procedures properly during the initial handling of your complaint.

(c) Bias or prejudice:If you feel that the investigation into your complaint was unfair or biased against you.

(d) Unreasonable decision:If the decision made during the initial stage is one that no reasonable person would agree with, considering all the relevant facts.

The university aims to complete the Review Stage within 60 calendar days after receiving your complaint. If there's a chance of any delay, they should let you know.

The University of Exeter Resources regarding complaints:

You can find:

Student Complaints Procedure here.

Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policies here.

In cases of alleged bullying or harassment, you can also seek the advice of a Dignity and Respect Adviser here.

The FX Plus Wellbeing Service here, or the Education Welfare Team for Cornwall campus students.

Industrial Action information here.

Disciplinary Procedure – Non-Academic Misconduct here.

Third-Party Consent

You can give consent for the University to share your details with a named third party. You can also give permission for a third party to act on your behalf if required, where there is a valid reason. This means you could have a friend, family member or someone from the SU Advice team to act on your behalf if appropriate.

Exeter Speaks Out (Hate Crime, Hate Incident, Harassment, Bullying, or Discrimination)
Kindly be aware that it is not possible to submit an anonymous complaint using this complaint process. It would be impossible for the university to properly investigate an anonymous formal complaint.

Students should feel confident that they will not face any disadvantages as a result of lodging a complaint, and it should not be necessary to submit a complaint anonymously. But please do book a chat with the SU Advice Team here if you are worried or want to discuss this.

If you wish to file an anonymous complaint specifically related to Hate Crime, Hate Incident, Harassment, Bullying, or Discrimination, you can utilise the Falmouth and Exeter Speaks Out service here.

Through this service, you have the option to submit your complaint formally, informally, or anonymously.

Reached the end of the Complaints process and still not happy with the result?

Once you have exhausted the University’s complaints process, you should be issued with what’s called a ‘Completion of Procedures’ letter. The University will no longer be able to consider your complaint.

But if you are unhappy with the result, you may wish to take your complaint to the OIA:

OIA – The Office of Independent Adjudicators for Higher Education.

The University of Exeter subscribes to an independent scheme for the review of student complaints provided by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA).

You will need to raise any complaint with the OIA within 12 months of receipt of your Completion of Procedures letter. The OIA will normally only consider cases which have been through the University’s own procedures first.

To find out if you are eligible and how to make a complaint to the OIA, visit their website here.

The SU Guide to Writing an Effective Complaint

We know that writing a complaint can feel daunting, so we have provided a guide to give you some tips and useful points to consider when writing your complaint.

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045

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