Exeter (Cornwall campuses)

Find out what you need to know about academic advice and support specific to the University of Exeter (Cornwall campuses). You can view PDFs or web pages on each topic for more information.
Students at Welcome 2022.

Academic Appeals

The information set out in our Appeals Page here is general guidance for University of Exeter students. It should not be seen as a definitive statement of the University's appeals policy and procedure.

An overview of the University's academic appeals procedure, can be found here.

Academic Misconduct

The information set out in our Academic Misconduct Page here is general guidance for Exeter University students. It should not be seen as a definitive statement of the University's Academic Misconduct policy and procedure.

A copy of the University's Academic Misconduct policy and procedure, is available here.


The information set out in our Complaints Page here is general guidance for Exeter University students. It should not be seen as a definitive statement of the University's Complaints policy and procedure.

A copy of the University's Complaints policy and procedure, is available here.


Students studying at the Falmouth, Penryn and Truro campuses are part of the wider academic and local communities and are expected to adhere to their respective University's rules and regulations.

Students whose conduct breaches those rules and regulations may find themselves subject to their University's disciplinary procedure.

Where any misconduct relates to examinations and academic work, such as plagiarism or cheating you should refer first to our Academic Misconduct advice above.

View or download the PDF linked below for information on Disciplinary Procedures

Download disciplinaries PDF


In circumstances where you are ill or your studies have been affected by another serious incident or event, you may want to extend or defer a coursework or exam deadline. Mitigtion is the process by which a student can apply.

Most mitigation applications relate to ill health and bereavement. However, students sometimes need to ask for help for all sorts of other reasons. Generally, the situation should be something that you could not reasonably have anticipated or prepared for. Below is a non-exhaustive list of reasons a student might refer to when applying for mitigation

  • Illness at the time of the date for the submission of work or the examination
  • Bereavement
  • An acute episode of a chronic condition which has an impact on the student not mitigated by any reasonable adjustments (such as adjusted deadlines) already in place
  • Unusually severe mental or emotional stress at or immediately before the date for submission of work or the time of the examination.

Bear in mind that ordinarily you will need to evidence your circumstances.

There are some circumstances that ordinarily the University will not consider as sufficient to extend a deadline, including:

  • Short term mild illness, such as a cold
  • Mild unspecified depression or a level of anxiety and stress which normally occurs at assessment time

  • Technical problems, such as a corrupted disk, lack of a printer, loss of work on a computer with no back up
  • A long-term health condition or disability for which reasonable adjustments have already been made
  • Personal disruptions or events which could have been anticipated, such as holidays, weddings, changing address or employment, religious holidays or festivals which are usually known in advance

Before applying for mitigation, you might want to contact the University’s Cornwall Campus Mitigation Team: welfare.penryn@exeter.ac.uk

In addition, the University's mitigation FAQs document is a useful source of information.

When you’re ready to apply for mitigation, you can download a copy of the relevant form – see ‘Apply for mitigation’.

Download form

Getting Advice - You can get advice from the Students' Union's Advice Service. You can book an appointment with one of our advisers here. Alternatively, email your enquiry to advice@thesu.org.uk

Download mitigation PDF

Health, Wellbeing & Support for Study

The University's Health, Wellbeing and Support for Study Policy is intended to serve as an alternative or supplement to other means of managing concerns over a student's behaviour, attendance or academic progress, where:

  • Mental or physical ill health or disability could be a contributory factor; or

  • The behaviour could affect the health, safety or wellbeing of other people

You can access a full copy of the policy and procedure here.

The University is likely to invoke the process where:

  • Concerns about the student's wellbeing are raised by a third party, for example academic staff, a friend, placement provider, housemate, medical professional, or Student Services professional.

  • A student has told a member of staff that they have concerns about their health, wellbeing and fitness to study.

  • A student‘s disposition is such that it indicates there may be a need to address an underlying health issue. For example, if the student has demonstrated mood swings or unusual behaviour, shown signs of depression, become withdrawn, aggressive and/or distressed.

  • It is considered behaviour, which might otherwise be dealt with as a disciplinary matter, may be the result of an underlying physical or mental health difficulty.

  • A student's health difficulties are adversely affecting the health, safety or wellbeing of others.


The Procedure comprises three levels:

  • Level 1: initial support and guidance, usually involving informal discussions between the student and members of their course team who may recommend the student seeks support from services such as Student Support, Accessibility and Academic Skills (ASK).

  • Level 2: is characterised by a degree of formality and includes a meeting to which, ordinarily, the student is invited. Others who will be present at the meeting including the Head of Wellbeing (or their nominee) and someone from your course team.

  • Level 3: may be initiated where a Level 2 panel concludes there are persistent and/or serious concerns raised about a student that have the effect of putting the student or other members of the University community at significant risk. Exceptionally, the severity of the University's concerns may lead to a student being referred into Level 3 directly (i.e. without Levels 1 and/or 2 taking place). Student Services convene Level 3 meetings, to which the student is invited. The student is entitled to be accompanied to the meeting by a currently enrolled student of the University, a family member or an elected member of the Students' Union.


The process exists to support students. Nevertheless, it can lead to outcomes that have significant consequences for the student involved including, for instance, short-term suspension, intermittence and even withdrawal.

Therefore, if you are subject to the procedure, it is important to get advice promptly.

Getting Advice - You can get advice from the Students' Union's Advice Service. You can book an appointment with one of our advisers here. Alternatively, email your enquiry to advice@thesu.org.uk.

Download health, wellbeing & support for study PDF


The notes set out below apply to undergraduate students who receive statutory student funding (i.e. loan and/or grant through one of the student funding agencies like Student Finance England). If you're not an undergraduate and/or are funded in some other way, make an appointment to speak to a Students' Union (SU) adviser - see Getting Advice (below).

Tuition fees

During 2021-22, undergraduate tuition fees are £9,250. The Student Loans Company pays those fees in three instalments at the beginning of each term: Terms 1 and 2 (£2,312.50); and Term 3 (4,625).

Once the term has started, a student is liable for that term's fees instalment. Therefore, if towards the end of one term you're considering whether to withdraw, there's likely to be a financial benefit in reaching a decision before the start of the next term.

Maintenance grants and loans

As a general rule, a student is entitled to receive their maintenance funding while attending. It follows that a student who withdraws loses that entitlement.


If a student withdraws part way through a term, probably this will result in them having received an overpayment of their maintenance funding.

For example, if a student has received a maintenance loan of £2,000 at the start of their second term and interrupts exactly halfway through the period to which that money relates, they'll be entitled to half only. The other half will be deemed to be an overpayment, which falls due for immediate repayment. Your student funding agency will write to you to confirm the amount of any overpayment.

If you can't afford to repay the money immediately, contact your student funding to discuss repaying over a longer period. It's quite common for students not to be in a position to repay immediately, so don't worry about it. But, don't ignore it either - instead, make the call.

Future funding entitlement

Before reaching a decision to withdraw, if you're also considering doing another course in the future, it's advisable to consider whether you'll have sufficient years funding entitlement to complete the new course.

A student's full funding entitlement (i.e. including a tuition fees loan) is calculated by reference to a simple formula:

Ordinary duration of the course (in years) + 1 year - Any previous years of study in higher education

Problems can arise if the student has previous years' study - on either their current course or an earlier course. For the purpose of calculating entitlement, as little as 1 day's attendance counts as a whole year. If you'd like to find out more about this, make an appointment to speak to an FXU adviser.


If once you've withdrawn you intend staying somewhere other than in your current accommodation, you'll need to check the terms of the tenancy or accommodation agreement to see if you have an ongoing liability to pay the rent.

In general, if you live in halls of residence, under the terms of your accommodation agreement, you'll have to move out. You'll be liable to pay the rent up until the day you move out plus any contractual notice period.

If you live in private sector rented accommodation the position tends not to be as straightforward - for example, it's rare for a tenancy agreement to include a break clause, so that your liability to pay rent continues. If you'd like to find out more about this, make an appointment to speak to an SU adviser.

Council Tax

Once you've withdrawn, you'll lose your exemption from paying Council Tax.

Getting Advice - You can get advice from the Students' Union's Advice Service. You can book an appointment with one of our advisers here. Alternatively, email your enquiry to advice@thesu.org.uk.

Download withdrawing PDF

Getting advice

The University of Exeter (Cornwall campuses) students, can get advice from the Students' Union's Advice Service on the topics listed above:

  • Book an appointment with one of our advisers using the link below.
  • Or, email your enquiry to advice@thesu.org.uk.

Book an appointment

For Exeter students in Streatham:

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union logo

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045

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