Tai Chi Society

We hold Tai Chi and Qigong regular classes on both Penryn and Falmouth Campus. Also, weekend day events every term, and online resources if you want to practice in between times.

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese moving meditation which can help you unwind, relax, boost your energy and improve your focus. Our classes are suitable for beginners and more advanced students.


Tai Chi and Qigong can be incredibly helpful for you as a student, making it easier to handle the pressures of academic life while staying balanced and focused. These practices bring together the mind, body, and spirit, using gentle movements, deep breathing, and focused awareness. When you practice Tai Chi and Qigong, you’ll find that your ability to concentrate improves, allowing you to study for longer periods without feeling mentally exhausted. This sharper focus makes it easier to retain information and stay engaged with your coursework.


One of the greatest benefits you’ll experience is stress relief. University life can be intense, with assignments, exams, and deadlines piling up, but Tai Chi provides a way to release that tension. The slow, flowing movements help calm your mind and relax your body, making it easier for you to manage stress and stay emotionally balanced. With less stress, you’ll find yourself better equipped to handle the ups and downs of student life, keeping a more positive outlook even when things get tough.

Energy boost

Physically, Tai Chi and Qigong also improve your flexibility and balance. As you practice, you’ll loosen up tight muscles, increase your range of motion, and build resilience to the physical demands of everyday life. Plus, you’ll notice a boost in your energy levels, helping you feel more refreshed and ready to take on both your academic work and your social life without feeling drained.


Incorporating Tai Chi and Qigong into your routine can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. By doing so, you’ll enhance your focus, reduce stress, and maintain a more positive and balanced mindset. Ultimately, these practices will help you manage the demands of university life with more energy and ease, allowing you to thrive both academically and personally.

How does it work?

Everything you do depends on energy, the Chinese call this Qi (pronounced chee), it translates to vitality or life force. Energy comes in and energy goes out, we take it for granted, but just like charging your phone it's something we have control over. The core of Tai Chi training is a structured series of lessons on managing this energy and becoming aware of what you are doing to spend it, and how you can moderate this expenditure so you don't run the reservoir dry. This sounds very simple, but it's not really something we are taught in school. You can learn how to monitor your energy input and output so you always have plenty to spare in your energy bank. This all might seem bit weird but in actual fact it's not really something you have to learn, it's actually an in-built thing, and a dormant ability that everyone can tune in to and reap the benefits. People of all ages and all walks of life have been doing this for hundreds if not thousands of years, and millions of people practice it on a daily basis all over the world. 

For more details have a look at our website fxutaichisociety





Join group

If you would like to join a group please pick the appropriate membership. Please contact the group committee if you have any queries about which membership is right for you.


Please log in to join this organisation.

What do these memberships mean?


Upcoming events

Falmouth Woodlane Campus Tai Chi and Qigong
17th March
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong class
18th March
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Tai Chi and Qigong class every Tuesday evening 7-8:30pm Exchange Courtyard Room 9 on Penryn Campus
Falmouth Woodlane Campus Tai Chi and Qigong
24th March
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong class
25th March
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Tai Chi and Qigong class every Tuesday evening 7-8:30pm Exchange Courtyard Room 9 on Penryn Campus
Falmouth Woodlane Campus Tai Chi and Qigong
31st March
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong class
1st April
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Tai Chi and Qigong class every Tuesday evening 7-8:30pm Exchange Courtyard Room 9 on Penryn Campus
Falmouth Woodlane Campus Tai Chi and Qigong
7th April
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong class
8th April
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Tai Chi and Qigong class every Tuesday evening 7-8:30pm Exchange Courtyard Room 9 on Penryn Campus
Falmouth Woodlane Campus Tai Chi and Qigong
14th April
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong class
15th April
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Tai Chi and Qigong class every Tuesday evening 7-8:30pm Exchange Courtyard Room 9 on Penryn Campus
Falmouth Woodlane Campus Tai Chi and Qigong
21st April
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong class
22nd April
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Tai Chi and Qigong class every Tuesday evening 7-8:30pm Exchange Courtyard Room 9 on Penryn Campus
Falmouth Woodlane Campus Tai Chi and Qigong
28th April
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong class
29th April
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong
Falmouth Campus weekly class
5th May
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus Tai Chi
6th May
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong
Falmouth Campus weekly class
12th May
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus Tai Chi
13th May
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong
Falmouth Campus weekly class
19th May
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus Tai Chi
20th May
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong
Falmouth Campus weekly class
26th May
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus Tai Chi
27th May
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong
Falmouth Campus weekly class
2nd June
Seminar A in the library at Woodlane, Falmouth Campus
Falmouth Campus Weekly Tai Chi class Woodlane Library Seminar Room A Every Monday 7-8:30pm
Penryn campus Tai Chi
3rd June
Exchange Courtyard Room 9, Penryn campus
Penryn campus weekly Tai Chi and Qigong

Penryn Campus
Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm in Exchange Courtyard Room 9 (£3)

Free taster session to try out the class

Falmouth Campus (Woodlane)
Monday evenings, 7-8:30 in the Library building seminar Room A (£3)
Free taster session to try out the class

Tickets are available on the SU website.

Associate members
(Staff and members of the public) can apply for SU membership using this link 

Claim expenses

You must be a member of this group to make an expense claim.


You must be a member of this group to vote in their elections.

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union logo

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045