Life Drawing Society

Sessions every Wednesday 6-8pm in the Life Drawing Studio on Falmouth's Woodlane Campus.

Welcome to the Life Drawing Society!

Come and draw with us at student-led sessions on Wednesdays, 6-8pm.

The first session you attend is FREE, so that you can experience our sessions without having to commit to a membership beforehand.

If you’re interested in being a model and you want to find more about that, drop us a message on Instagram or via email.




Wednesday 6-8pm - Life Drawing Studio (below Belmont House) on the Falmouth Campus.



Students Full Members/Associate Full Members (Standard membership)

  • This Membership gives you access to all the standard life drawing classes we offer throughout the academic year for no additional cost.

Student Members Pay As You Go & Associate Members Pay As You Go

  • After becoming a Pay as You Go Member, you'll be able to book a ticket to attend any individual standard class for £5.


What do I need to bring? 

Anything you would like to use to create art. We don't provide materials, this includes paper, so you have to bring everything you want to use to the session. 

If you're unsure about what to bring, start off by bring a pencil and a pad of paper. 


What will I be drawing on?

We have access to a variety of standing and sitting easels, however, these are available on a first come first served basis.


Duty of Care to our Life Models

The Life Drawing Society has a zero tolerance policy on any form of inappropriate behaviour, by any individual, towards the life models. Any action or comment that a committee member observes, or is reported to them, which they believe breaches this policy in any way will result in the following penalties being applied to the offending individual;

·   They will receive an immediate and permanent ban from attending, or continuing to attend, any further activities run by the society.

·   Their membership will be immediately revoked without reimbursement.

·   A written incident report will be delivered to the FXU Activities Team and where deemed necessary the security team.






Join group

If you would like to join a group please pick the appropriate membership. Please contact the group committee if you have any queries about which membership is right for you.


Please log in to join this organisation.

What do these memberships mean?


Upcoming events

Looks like there aren’t any events scheduled for this group right now. Why not get in touch with the group and see how you can get involved?

Claim expenses

You must be a member of this group to make an expense claim.


You must be a member of this group to vote in their elections.

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045