Join a Group

Whether you’re a seasoned enthusiast or keen to try something new, there’s something for everyone. Check out our full A-Z list of student groups to explore over 150 student groups, or filter the results based on your interests.
Students playing volleyball at the beach.

  • Aerial Fitness
  • Aerospace Medicine Society
  • African Caribbean Society

    The Exeter and Falmouth ACS aims to create a strong community between students of African and Caribbean heritage, and include other students who want to celebrate our different cultures with us.

  • Anime & Manga Society
  • Architecture Society

    The purpose of the Falmouth Architecture society is to create the opportunity for students to develop their understanding and appreciation of Architecture.

  • Art Club

    Tired of the pubs? Join art club! All abilities welcome, we’re here to have fun!

  • Asian Society

    Welcome to another year of celebration, entertainment, and culture with Asian Society! Come and share in the excitement as we bring the vibrancy and festivity of Asian culture to Cornwall!

  • Athletics

    Welcome to FXU Athletics Club! We're made up of competitive athletes and social runners of all abilities wanting to achieve their goals. Visit our Facebook and Instagram pages for more information!

  • Badminton

    CSM Badminton society welcomes a variety of abilities - we have a large social group and also 7 successful league teams.

  • Ballroom & Latin

    We are a ballroom and Latin dance society for all abilities, learning routines such as Cha-cha, Waltz and Jive. We are open to both students and non-students.

  • Basketball

    We're a society that's looking for enthusiastic basketball players of all abilities to come and play and develop your skills. We also enter competitive teams in the local Cornish Basketball League.

  • Bee Soc

    BeeSoc is the place to bee if you're a fan of our fuzzy little pollinator friends! You need no particular knowledge or beekeeping experience to join- just a love for bees!

  • Birdwatching Society
  • Book Club

    Our book club consists of monthly reads, voted for by you, and various activities such as screenings of adaptations of books, relaxing reading sessions, going to author talks and more!

  • Boxing Society
  • Business and Finance Society
  • Cakes & Cocktails Society
  • Catholic Society

    Welcome to Falmouth and Exeter Cathsoc. We are here to bring you together with other students for fun and faith filled experiences.

  • Cheerleading

    Whether you're looking to compete or stay active and have fun, Fusion Cheer has a place for you. Come and join the cheeriest society on campus! Follow us on instagram @fusionunicheer to stay updated.

  • Chess Society

    Falmouth and Exeter Chess society, welcoming chess players of all abilities!

  • Christian Union

    Falmouth Christian Union (FCU) is a long established group here in Falmouth. Our aim is to give every student on campus an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Classiv Society (Classic Civilisation)

    The society to nerd out about ancient Greece & ancient culture.

  • Climbing

    We offer indoor and outdoor climbing to everyone from complete beginners to experienced climbers. For updates add us on Instagram by clicking the icon below!

  • Commercial Awareness Society
  • Conservatives

    Cornwall Young Conservatives are a group of like-minded individuals studying at the university. We hold debates, regular meetings, run socials and host external speakers on a regular basis.

  • Cornish Language and Culture

    CLCS: Supporting Cornish language use & the culture of Cornwall - mostly around Tremough: among both Falmouth & Exeter students.

  • Cornwall MedSoc

    Cornwall MedSoc encourages students to embrace the fun and unique opportunities that Cornwall has to offer and to build a strong community of medics in the county.

  • Country Dancing
  • Cricket

    The Cricket Club is looking to get players of all standards involved in the sport. There are pre-season nets over winter before playing in both longer and shorter form cricket over the summer.


    Camborne School of Mines Student Association is open to students of both Falmouth and Exeter University.

  • Dance Society

    Weekly Ballet, Jazz and Contemporary classes!

  • Debating Union
  • Drawing Development
  • Eco Soc

    EcoSoc aims to give everyone the opportunity to learn about nature, experience Cornish wildlife, gain skills in ecology and conservation, and help local nature projects.

  • Expedition

    If you're keen to explore Cornwall we're the society for you! We run weekly hikes through some of the most picturesque locations in the county: forests, coastlines, and much more!

  • Fal Bookbinding

    Social bookbinding sessions every Friday 6-8pm on Woodlane Campus!

  • Fal Dive

    The club aims to bring divers together to dive frequently as a community.

  • Fal Fem Society

    An inclusive community to discuss feminism and the wider world

  • FalExe Equestrian Society

    An award winning society for horse riding at any level, including regular lessons and hacks alongside jumping and cross country lessons, pub rides and beach rides.

  • Falmouth Fashion Society

    Our society is about being fun, expressive and creative!Fashion has no limits so why should we?

  • FECCLES Drama

    Feccles Drama are a student theatre company known for our quirky productions, welcoming atmosphere, and wonderful improv. come say hi!

  • Field Botany

    A casual hub on campus to share our passions for wild plant ID and plant-inspired art.

  • Film Soc

    A place for those who love, appreciate, and live for films.

  • Football CSM

    We are the university football team that comprises of Exeter, Falmouth and CSM students. We provide the highest standard of Football the Uni offers as we are the only Saturday league team on campus

  • Football FXUnion

    FXUnion FC play in the West Cornwall Sunday League and the BUCS League. Follow us @fxu_football for updates on matches, trails and social events.

  • Football Ladies

    FXSU Ladies Football Club EE Cornwall Women's Football League South West Division Welcome to Players of all abilities

  • Football Tremough FC

    Tremough are 23/24 Cornwall Sunday League Champions and winners of the 23/24 West Cornwall Flexi League. On top of competing in men’s football biweekly they also have a trem-endous social schedule.

  • FX Jsoc
  • FXU Six-a-side Football

    Six-a-side is an exciting small-sided version of football, making fast feet, direct passing, precision shooting and quick thinking key.

  • Gaming Society

    Gaming Soc is an SU Society centred around bringing together a wide range of people all with the common interest of playing video games. Whether you are a casual or competitive gamer, you are welcome!

  • GEMS (Geography, Environmental and Marine Science)

    Hello everyone! We are GEMS, a society supporting those studying Geography, Environmental and Marine Science-related courses on the Cornwall Campus through social and academic events.

  • Generation Wild

    Generation Wild aims to engage and inspire children about nature and the environment. We run educational outreach sessions with local schools and scout/guide units with the help of student volunteers.

  • Gig Rowing

    The SU Gig Rowing society provides social and competitive rowing for all of our members, allowing them to take part in what is a fun, physically demanding, and traditional Cornish sport!

  • Global Politics Society

    Whatever's happening in the world affects everyone. We cover the global issues that matter and will affect us regardless of what degree you may be studying.

  • Golf

    The home of golf for Exeter & Falmouth students.

  • Green Living

    For Nature Lovers, Green Activists, Foraging Fanatics and all kinds of Gardeners. No experience required.

  • Gymnastics

    Gymnastics is one of the most diverse and fun sports out there, and if you think it's all just twirling ribbons and hairspray then you'd be wrong! Come and find out why!

  • Hip Hop Society

    Hip-Hop is a dance society that explores different dance styles at beginner and intermediate level. Anyone is welcome! NEVER MISS A CHANCE TO DANCE

  • Hispanic Society

    Hispanic Society celebrates everything from the Spanish-speaking world! Join us to to create strong ties and celebrate with us.

  • History Society

    The History Society is an events based society that runs day trips to historic locations across Cornwall as well as popular social events such as our annual boat party and winter ball.

  • Hockey Ladies

    Our club is a great way to meet new people, keep fit and get involved in a competitive yet friendly club! All abilities are welcome so come along and try out a session.

  • Hockey Mens

    Our club welcomes players of all abilities and experience.

  • Horror Society
  • International Society
  • Jam First Big Band

    Jam First is a group of talented students who share an interest in playing different forms of jazz and swing music, from big show tunes and pop tracks to more traditional jazz standards.

  • Jazz Society
  • Kayaking

    We're here to get you out enjoying the Cornish sea and wildlife! It doesn't matter if you've never held paddles before, or if you've been on the water since before you could walk, everyone's welcome!

  • Knitting and Crochet Society
  • Lacrosse

    Lacrosse is a super fun and friendly society admitting players of all levels to the women's and men's team. Our club is a great way to meet new people and we have lots of equipment for beginners!

  • Law Society

    Join the society that best balances academics with university life, offering opportunities to socialise and network, events in partnership with law firms, and varied fun socials!

  • Liberal Democrats Society
  • Life

    Life is the nature magazine of the Penryn Campus, showcasing cutting edge research with stunning photography.

  • Life Drawing Society

    Sessions every Wednesday 6-8pm in the Life Drawing Studio on Falmouth's Woodlane Campus.

  • Live Music Society

    The Live Music Society is a place where you can listen to live music, see your ideal concerts come to life and perform your musical talents at large scale events.

  • MarineWatch

    MarineWatch is a marine animal interest group which aims to celebrate and protect our amazing local marine wildlife!

  • MENA (Middle Eastern and North African)
  • Motorsport and Racing Society

    The main purpose of this society is to be to provide an outlet and space for motorsport fans on campus.

  • Multisport Society

    The society with all the sports!

  • NatureWatch

    A project run by students from the University of Exeter and Falmouth University to create a series of short video episodes focusing on Cornish wildlife.

  • Negotiation Society
  • Netball

    Come along to keep fit, have fun, and meet new people! We are a fun and competitive club, welcoming players of all abilities.

  • Orchestra

    The Penryn Campus Orchestra is the only of its kind on campus. We are non-auditioning, relaxed but ambitious! Join us and enjoy being part of our symphonic sound.

  • Penryn First Aid Society

    Welcome to the Penryn First Aid Society! We are a new society in the process of being set up that will provide informal and formal first aid sessions to students and the wider university community!

  • Penryn Press

    Penryn Press is a student run publishing house that for the last ten years has been designing and producing books which are distributing around Cornwall and beyond as we speak.

  • Penryn Produce
  • Pokemon Society

    Weekly social club featuring tournaments, party games, community challenges and more - Pokésoc is the place to be for all things Pokémon! Join our Discord server below to stay updated!

  • Pole

    Get fit in a fun and unique way with Falmouth and Exeter's Pole Society! Pole is fast becoming a popular way to increase strength and confidence, not just for women but for all genders!

  • Pool & Snooker
  • Pottery Society

    Pottery Society offers weekly sessions on Penryn campus. We aim to have fun and learn new skills together! Open to all.

  • Pride

    A society that provides an open and secure environment for members of the LGBTQ+ and other identifying communities.

  • Puppetry

    Welcome to Puppetry society! Weekly workshops that range from making puppets to planning performances. All experiences welcome and many ways to get involved. Come give it a go!

  • Rollerskating Society

    Ever wondered what it feels like to fly? Well, we can't give you wings, but we can help you glide! Anyone is welcome to our Rollerskating Society! It's easy peasy lemon Steezy. B)

  • Rounders Club

    Welcome to Rounders Club! Rounders can act as a gateway into many different types of sports and can bring together people from all walks of life, no matter the gender, ability, race or creed.

  • Rugby Ladies

    Welcome to Rugby Ladies! We welcome players both new and old to rugby to train at Penryn and Falmouth RFC. Come and give it a TRY! Contact us on instagram at: csmladiesrugby

  • Rugby Mens

    CSM Men's Rugby is open to all studying in Falmouth or Penryn - Exeter students, Falmouth students and those studying with CSM. We train twice a week and play most weekends.

  • Sailing

    Fal Sail is for Falmouth and Exeter students of all abilities and levels of sailing experience.

  • Scouts & Guides (Kernow SSAGO)

    Kernow student Scout and Guide organisation (Kernow SSAGO) society, affiliated with SSAGO, is a society for new or previous Scouts and Guides. If you enjoy adventurous activities, SSAGOK is for you.

  • Sea Swimming

    The Sea Swimming Club meets every Sunday at 1pm on Gyllyngvase Beach, Falmouth, to go for a swim.

  • Shinty

    Shinty is an exciting full-contact sport played all across the Gáidhlig and Celtic world. Similar to both hockey and lacrosse, this is a fast and physical stick and ball game full of thrills!

  • Snowsports

    Established in 2010, FUSC (Falmouth and Exeter Snowsports club), is now one of the largest societies on campus, and for good reason.

  • Squash

    Every Wednesday (2-4pm) at Falmouth Sports Club (TR11 4QJ)! We cater to all abilities, whether you have never played before, or were born on a squash court! We hope to see you there :)

  • Surf Club

    We at FalSurf are firm believers that everyone has a surfer within waiting to catch their first wave or ride it like a pro. Our mission is to break barriers and invite all to join us in the water.

  • Surf Radio

    Falmouth and Penryn's Award Winning Student Radio Station! #RideTheWaves

  • Swift Soc

    Whether you're a casual enjoyer or die hard Swiftie, at SwiftSoc we have something for everyone from club nights to chill events!

  • Swimming

    The SU Swimming club is for Falmouth and Exeter students to come and have a swim in a relaxed environment.

  • Table Top Gaming

    Tabletop Gaming Society is a friendly group dedicated to the pastime of boardgames, wargames including Warhammer 40k, card games like Magic the Gathering and RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons.

  • Tai Chi Society

    Tai Chi and Qigong regular classes on Penryn and Falmouth Campus Woodlane campus library Seminar A Mon 7-8:30pm Penryn Campus Exchange Courtyard Room 9 Tue 7-8:30pm Weekend events Online resources

  • Tang Soo Do

    Tang Soo Do is an exciting and dynamic martial art from Korea. This Gold accredited club has a really open and friendly atmosphere, and welcomes people of all martial art abilities!

  • Tap Dancing

    SU Tap Jam is a fun and friendly society, providing tap classes for all abilities. During the sessions we work on technique and routines, as well as creating chilled environment to dance together.

  • Tennis

    The CSM Tennis society offers tennis at all levels for our members. We host weekly sessions of social, developmental and team tennis.

  • The Chorus

    The Chorus is a student run and member lead a capella group, with a focus on providing something for everyone. We sing a wide variety, ranging from choral classics to modern pop songs.

  • The Progressive Society

    The Progressive Society fights for democratic politics, liberty and equality in defiance of extremism. Join today!

  • The SU Islamic Society

    Formed to address and serve the spiritual needs of Muslim students and staff on campus, the Islamic Society aims to produce an inclusive society where everyone is welcome, regardless of background.

  • The Wind Jammers

    The Wind Jammers are a group of students and outside musicians who join together with their shared intrest in wind band music ranging from classical tracks to covers of film and game arrangements.

  • Touch Rugby

    Touch Rugby is a unisex non-contact, non-kicking form of rugby. It is fast paced and a great way to get fit. As well as honing your rugby skills, it is also a great way to socialise.

  • Tremough Follies Musical Theatre

    Tremough Follies is a Musical Theatre society for students of the universities and the local community! We aim to run two productions a year; one showcase of musical numbers and one full musical.

  • Truro Cardiosoc
  • Truro Internal Medicine
  • Truro Marrow Society

    The student branch of the Anthony Nolan Charity working to help save the lives of people with blood cancer.

  • Truro Medics Netball

    Truro Mixed Medics Netball offers a fun environment where you can combine your love of netball with meeting your fellow medics across the year groups.

  • Truro Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society
  • Truro Paediatric Society

    The aim of our society is to provide practical and educational teaching to anyone interested in learning more about Paediatric medicine.

  • Truro Pre-Hospital & Emergency Medicine Society (PHEMSoc)

    Truro Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine Society is a society based around the specialty of PHEM. We run talks and teaches on specialist subjects, and this year hope to run some exciting in person events

  • Truro Runner Beans
  • Truro Surgical Society
  • Truro Trauma and Orthopaedics

    Truro Orthopaedic Society is a surgical society aimed at preparing and inspiring the next generation of orthopaedic surgeons.

  • Truro Widening Access to Medicine
  • Ultimate Frisbee

    Kernow Ultimate is the Ultimate Frisbee team for Falmouth and Penryn. Read more about our club and the sport below.

  • UN Women Uk

    A welcoming and inclusive community to discuss and raise awareness on gender equality

  • Vegan Soc

    A society welcome to all vegans; a space to make friends and hang out doing fun events with likeminded people.

  • Viva Voce

    Viva Voce is Penryn Campus’ student-led chamber choir. We’re a non-auditioned society who love singing a wide range of choral music together. All abilities are welcome so come along and have a go!

  • Volleyball

    FESU Volleyball is a club for both recreational and competitive players, we play indoor and beach volleyball! FOLLOW OUR INSTAGRAM AND FACEBOOK TO STAY UPDATED

  • Welsh Society

    Hello! We're the best, the biggest and the only Cornwall based University Welsh Society. We're here to create a community to celebrate and appreciate Wales and its culture. Cymru am Byth!

  • Women in Business
  • Women in Mining- Student Chapter

    The purpose of this society is to facilitate discussion and share ideas between women within or interested in mining and related geoscience sectors

  • Yoga

    A club for everyone whether you're new to yoga or advanced, if you can't touch your toes or can get your toes behind your head! Join us for classes, workshops and day retreats.

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union logo

Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045