Starting a new group
So you're here because you want to start a new group? You can refer to the process below and start gathering the right information.
Please note the important dates for application openings and deadlines:
- 10 February 2025 Closed
- 3rd March 2025 Closed
- Next application round opens at the start of the academic year 2025/2026
Step 1: Check that your new group idea is unique
Double check that your fantastic idea for a group doesn't already exist, or significantly overlap with one of our existing groups. You can see our full list of groups on the Clubs and Societies pages on the website.
Show me the list
Step 2: Make sure your proposed group meets our criteria
Your proposed group needs to meet all of the criteria below to be considered.
In line with The SU's governance and purpose
Your group idea must not conflict with The SU's governing documents such as the Constitution and Bye-laws. All of the members of your group and your activities would be subject to the code of conduct and all other SU policies.
The purpose of your group must not conflict with the core purpose of The SU.
Your group must not have the sole purpose of charity fundraising. As a charity, we cannot support groups who solely exist to donate money to other charities, with the exception of RAD, who have a special position within the Union's governance.
Open to all students, and run by students
Membership of your group must be open and available to all members of both Falmouth University and the University of Exeter, Cornwall.
All of the proposed committee members must be current students.
You need to show that there is a need for your proposed group
You need to show that your idea for a group will be popular, by having the support of at least 2 other committee members. You must also evidence that there is a need for your group, i.e. your group fills the gap in existing student group provision, builds community or your group is already meeting but you are looking to formalise it.
Your group must have a clear purpose
Consider how your group will benefit all students from both universities, provide new opportunities and activities and how you plan to make it accessible to everyone.
How do you see your group develop?
You should consider development plans for your group - think about where would you like to see it in 3 years, how you are planning to grow memberships and how you will ensure that the group recruits new members and remains sustainable.
You need to show how you intend to fund your group's activity
You should consider sources of income such as membership charges, sponsorships or other sources of income. If you are unsure about how your group can create income, check out Finance & Funding page on Committee Hub.
Your group should run regular activities throughout the year
You should think about how you will bring members together and keep them engaged - you can either do it by talks, lectures, social activities, training sessions, competitions and trip. Make sure your group activity is versatile and in line with your members' needs.
Step 3: Fill out and submit your proposal form
Complete your proposal form to tell us more about your group idea.
Step 4: Approval
Once you've submitted your form, Communities Team will review your proposal during weekly Wednesday meeting to check if it meets the criteria above. If your group proposal doesn't meet the criteria at this stage, or we need to ask you for more information, we will get in touch with you to discuss this.
If your group and it's purpose might be considered controversial, or might clash with other groups, your proposal will be discussed at Activities Executive Committee Meeting, run by your elected Activities Committee.
If your proposal has been successful, you will be asked to submit Affiliation documents to formalise your group. Once they are reviewed and approved, your group will be set up on our website.
Step 5: Getting Started!
If you've made it through, congratulations! Each new group will be put on 6 weeks 'probation period' to ensure your group is sustainable, popular with students and serves its purpose. Member of Activities Team will check in with you and provide regular support during this time.
Some final things to consider
- Workload: Running a Student Group is a fantastic way to build your CV but it can take up a lot of time. Make sure that you can balance it alongside your other commitments and that you have at least 2 other people that are happy to dedicate their time to be on committee.
- Community: Will your Student Group idea create a sense of community within its members, what can you do to ensure that it will work as a group?
- Sustainability: How will you make sure that your group continues after you and your new committee members graduate? Think about how you will appeal to a range of students outside of your friendship group to broaden your membership base.
Contact Us
If you want to talk to someone from the Activities Team about your idea you can contact us.
Helpful documents once your proposal has been approved
Once your proposal has been approved by the Activities Committee, you will need to complete some documents to get your group set up.